VIOLA is a novel clampless proximal anastomosis system that combines a standard punching mechanism with optimal sealing during anastomosis construction. It allows surgeons to minimize aortic manipulations during proximal anastomosis suturing that can lead to neurologic complications.
REQUEST A QUOTEVIOLA is a novel clampless proximal anastomosis system that combines a standard punching mechanism with optimal sealing during anastomosis construction. It allows surgeons to minimize aortic manipulations during proximal anastomosis suturing that can lead to neurologic complications.
The VIOLA system provides novel approach for performing clampless proximal anastomosis which address the limitations of the competing technologies:
(1) Standard punching mechanism integrated in the system. (2) Adjustable sealing element enabling accommodation of its shape to the aortic wall and create optimal seal with minimal bleeding (3) Suitable for multiple anastomoses – cost effective device since surgeon can create 3-4 anastomosis with a single unit. Optimal sealing during anastomosis construction
Adaptable system which conforms to aortic wall contour
Integrated, over the wire, standard punching mechanism
Cost effective – single system for multiple anastomoses